Hot Water Services
At JS Plumbing Industries we supply and install the leading hot water service brands. There are a number of hot water service options available with differing benefits depending on your needs. Refer to our hot water service guide to understand the difference between electric, gas (instantaneous and storage), solar and heat-pump systems and determine which is most suitable for your home. Get in contact with us for more information.

iStore Air to Energy
iStore 180L and 270L hot water services use revolutionary Air to Energy technology which takes energy that would otherwise be redirected back to the grid/expensive batteries and utilises it to heat water for your home.
How it works:
A fan draws in air, containing heat energy, across the evaporator
The evaporator turns the liquid refrigerant into a gas
The compressor pressurises the refrigerant into a hot gas
The hot gas inside the condenser coil heats the water inside the coil-wrapped tank
The refrigerant reverts back to a liquid after heating the water and continues to the evaporator for the process to start again
The cycle continues until the set target temperature is achieved
Economical - reduce electricity bills.
Energy efficient - lower annual carbon emissions by up to 4 tonnes.
Easy to install
Federal & state government incentives
Reclaim Energy
The Reclaim Energy CO2 Heat Pump Hot Water System consists of a heat pump (compressor) and a storage tank (stainless steel or glass lined).
How it works:
Heat is collected from the air surrounding the unit to use as energy to heat up a pressurised refrigerant, (ozone friendly CO2).
Economical: Excess of five units of heat energy from ambient air for every unit of electricity it consumes.
Excellent cold weather performance characteristics - no need for boosting element.
Continuous hot water.
Off-peak management ensures low running costs.
Quietest system on the market.
Environmentally friendly.
Can combine with solar system for further reductions in energy consumption and costs.
When combined with solar system- takes advantage of energy already created rather than sending it back to the grid.

Bosch has the largest range of mechanical gas continuous flow water heaters in the Australian market, suitable for all applications.
How it works:
The flow of water powers a mini-turbine, igniting the burner, providing an efficient reliable source of endless hot water.
Pilot Light
A standing constantly-lit pilot light is used to ignite the burner when a hot water tap is opened.
Standing pilot design offers flexibility during installation as the appliance can be installed where there is no power point.
No electrical power connection, replacement battery or water flow restrictors required.
Efficient continuous hot water - only heats water when required.
Internal compact model - great for frost prone areas.